About Jim

Jim Slosson started teaching on March 17, 1972.  He was in his own words, “…the worst beginning teacher I have ever met or supervised during my 50 years in education.”  Twelve years later he received the prestigious Christa McAuliffe award for excellence in teaching. The last ten years of his first career were spent fixing the worst alternative high school in Washington State. 


In 2003 Jim returned to the classroom to create AGA/Math Lab.  His struggling pre-algebra students made gains of 2.5 to 3 grade levels in a single school year.  Since 2012 Jim has been working to polish his methods and test them out in Algebra, Geometry and Algebra II classes.  Jim has worked with challenging kids for parts of six decades and continues to hone his craft by subbing a few days every week.


You may reach Jim directly: jim@prealgebra.net